Duncan Peattie's Chinese Railway Timetable

Latest available Full Timetable information - Last Update 24 June 2019

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Eleventh Edition (Free)

The file 'ctt319v1.pdf' [Version 1 - size 8,639kB, last modified 24/06/2019 01:38 UTC]  -  download from The Timetable

This file is bookmarked and replaces the previous non bookmarked file with no change in content.


The Timetable is made available 'as is' and will not be updated

Heritage Edition (Free)

The file 'ctt0556a.pdf' [Version 1 - size 1,610kB, last modified 24/11/2015 15:40 UTC]  -  download from Heritage Timetable (May 1956)


The Heritage Timetable is made available 'as is' and will not be updated

If you know of any changes or corrections please contact me.

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